Free Library of Philadelphia 21st Century Library
Philadelphia, PA
Land Survey, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering & Construction Inspection Services
In 2014, the City of Philadelphia commenced the 21st Century Library Inspiration Project, an initiative to redesign and refurbish community libraries serving Philadelphia. Hunt Engineering Company was a member of the design team selected to renovate the first libraries under this initiative which included the following branches: Logan, Lovett, Lillian Marrero, and Tacony. At each branch, site and building improvements focused on interior and exterior accessibility, new building systems upgrades and building additions to accommodate a wide range of new library spaces including children’s spaces, cafes and elevators. Hunt Engineering Company performed a boundary and topographic survey of each of the individual sites and adjacent roads as required for improvements and permitting. Civil engineering services included the design, permitting, and bidding services for the stormwater and site improvements. Structural engineering services included the design of each addition, modifications to the existing structures to support interior improvements and modifications and façade repairs. During the construction phases, our structural engineers and construction inspectors provided services to fulfill the City of Philadelphia’s Special Inspections program.