Our survey department is prepared to meet your surveying needs whether they be on land or on the water. We complete your survey by choosing the right staff and technology to provide a cost effective and accurate product, tailored to the needs of the client. Our survey team has the ability to perform a wide range of land surveying services including detailed topographic, ALTA and utility surveys. Unique to survey teams in the region, our staff has experience in bathymetric surveys to obtain submerged topographic information to support a variety of projects including the design of new marina, port and coastal facilities, maintenance and restoration of underwater structures, remediation of contaminated underwater sediments, and for the modeling of waterways for flood risk studies. In addition to tradition survey, our department utilizes unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which allows for the incorporation of the aerial data collection technology. Beginning in 2023, we have added Quality Level B Subsurface Utility Locating (SUL) to our expanding services with the introduction of underground locating utilizing state-of-the-art ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic scanning, and various support equipment. Read more about SUL!
Right-of-Way Surveys & Plans
Stream Restoration Base Surveys
Subdivision/Land Development
Subsurface Utility Locating
Topographic & Boundary Surveys
Wetland Location Surveys
ALTA/ASCM Land Title Surveys
Aerial Control Surveys
Aerial Survey – Unmanned Aerial System (UAV)
As-Built Surveys
Bathymetric Surveys
Deed & Plan Research
Highway & Bridge Surveys
Horizontal & Vertical Control Surveys