MARCH 2023
Hunt Engineering Company is excited to announce that we are now offering Subsurface Utility Locating as an expansion of our growing survey department. Our Subsurface Utility Locating (SUL) staff, led by manager Joshua Payne, will be providing Quality Level B locating services which include locating of underground utilities such as electrical lines, gas lines, and water and sewer mains; identifying the utilities; and marking the utilities. Working cohesively with our survey staff, we are also able to provide field survey of the utility mark outs and incorporation of the data in to baseplans. Subsurface utility locating will help provide our clients with a more accurate understanding of existing underground existing utilities, assist in the coordination of utilities during the design process, and decrease the possibility of damage to utilities during construction. Please reach out to us if you would like to further discuss how we can assist your next project with Subsurface Utility Locating.