PWD Sewer On Call Services
Philadelphia, PA
Land Survey, Civil Engineering & Landscape Architecture Services
Hunt Engineering Company proudly holds a prime contract with the Philadelphia Water Department for General Engineering Services for Water Main, Sewer and Stormwater professional services. Under this contract, Hunt Engineering Company provides land survey, civil engineering and landscape architecture design for water and sewer reconstruction projects throughout Philadelphia. Our survey staff begins task orders by performing the field and drafting work necessary to develop base plans in accordance with PWD’s standards. These base plans are then used by our engineers and landscape architects to design new water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure. Supplemental services under this contract often include roadway reconstruction and green stormwater infrastructure improvements such as the replacement of impermeable asphalt pavement with porous asphalt systems, installation of curb bump outs and/or tree pits. Where the existing ADA curb ramps within a project area are not compliant with current ADA regulations, Hunt Engineering Company also provides survey and design services for the replacement of the non-compliant ramps in accordance with ADA, City and PennDOT regulations.